Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lesson 1a: World Book School Edition

1. World Book Kids - I went into the games & activities and found a lot of different games in different subjects areas. I went into english and tried the parts of speech matching game. I can see this being a fun resource to use to have kids practice their parts of speech. Anytime you can do these activities in a game format, I think kids enjoy it more and stick with it better. 2. World Book Student - I went into Behind the headlines and thought this would be great for current events. They had great information on the inauguration. You could also play a game that reviews some of the current events. How Cool! 3. World Book Advance - This would be a great resource for books! I really liked that you were able to download the ebook, so you don't have to be online the whole time. Also it was nice that it does quite a bit of work for you by tying in Web pages and content standards. I really liked the Back in time articles. 4.World Book Disscover - I really liked the how to research. This would be great for students and teachers. Students learn some of the basics of how to do a research paper and the teachers side, gives you guidlines on how to set up the papers so they are more plagerism proof. Neat!

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