Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Ebooks on Ebsco Host

1. I tried out the visual search and I tried several different topics. I struck out on Siamese Twins and didn't get much back on Mount Everest. I then tried South Dakota, I really liked how it drilled down to what you were looking for and you could see the results. I did open a couple of different books I thought that the reading pane was not the most effienct. I had to scroll down each page and then turn the page, seemed like a lot. The information was good and I think that kids could get some very useful information for reports and projects.

2. For the colored Fairy tale books, I stayed in visual search and typed fairy tales, then clicked on fairy tales again and 4 books came up they were all written by Andrew Lang and they were the Violet Fairy tales, Blue Fairy tales, Yellow Fairy tales, and Red Fairy tales. I had tried to do just a basic search using the same term fairy tales, and I could not find anything helpful. Now if I had grandma with me we could have drilled down a little further by getting a date range that they were published,but she wasn't here.

1 comment:

Jane Heitman Healy said...

Thanks for your comments, fpl. These ebooks are mostly general nonfiction, and Siamese Twins may be a little too specific. You can find good material here 24/7/365, but we agree that it is a tad cumbersome. Your grandmother would be so excited about your fairy tale book finds! :)